Do you want to be a millionaire and only work 5 hours a week from home? Sure, you would. But the reality is, you probably can’t – no one can. Thousands of online gurus will try to convince you otherwise, but they do not have your best interest at heart. Most gurus out there are one step away from running an MLM. All you have to do in order to reach the same heights as them is buy their overpriced online course and all your troubles will be over.
Most of them make identical claims and promise a life of wealth and luxury, or spiritual awakening if that’s their targeted niche. No matter the field, all fake gurus are the same, and no they will not help you no matter how much you want to believe it.
We all want help from those in better standing than us, but don’t let yourself be taken advantage of. Here’s how to spot a fake guru and protect yourself from falling for their charms in the future.
Signs of a fake guru
Unrealistic prices
Words hold no power, but actions do. Anyone can sing their own praises if they so desire, but that doesn’t make it true. As far as online gurus go, exorbitant prices for classes or counseling sessions seem to be a common thread. Every class has a description and should by all accounts have previews or something similar.
Check them out and take a peek at what it is they’re actually offering. Is the language technical, are they clear and detailed in what exactly they’ll teach you? If the answers to all of these questions are vague at best and the price still somehow stands at a firm $200; they’re trying to trick you.
A rented Lamborghini
Fake gurus appear to like flaunting their wealth a little too much sometimes. They use this as a signifier of status and to some extent a display of power. The power they can then transfer to you.
If you’ve ever looked at their social media and seen a Lamborghini, a mansion ostentatiously on display, chances are all of it is merely a set. If they use social media, their profile pictures will frequently feature expensive clothes, lavish vacations, and in some cases sadly stacks of cash.
They’re always right
Whether or not someone claiming to be an expert can take criticism can be a huge tell of a fake guru. If someone criticizes them, people who are actual leaders won’t respond with vitriol or ill will. Instead, they’ll approach the matter calmly and refute the claims in a civilized manner or they’ll choose not to engage at all.
It sounds too good to be true
Fake gurus love a sob story. They’ll regale you with tales of how they had nothing before they learned x or y, but now their life has done a complete 180. These imposters aim to attract average people who are more often not struggling. The struggle can be financial or spiritual, and a quick motivational story is sure to get the oxytocin going in their brain.
Having said that, there are some successful people who’ve had an unfortunate past. That does happen and it’s not impossible. But those people will be far more honest with you and say that it took them some time before things got better. Keep in mind that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is.
They’re hypocritical
Never trust a hypocrite. Finding signs of hypocrisy is a surefire way to weed out the “snake-oil salesmen” who are likely only after your money. Check to see if they live up to their words. Do they actually practice what they preach?
If their lives are so much better now, why do they put on huge displays of wealth on social media and refuse to engage in conversation with those who disagree with them, or have questioned their motives or perhaps their entire narrative? Before following someone on social media, do a little background check.
How to protect yourself against fake gurus
And now the big question is, how can you be 100% sure that someone is legit? As funny as this may sound check YoutTube for a fake guru documentary. With everything being online these days someone is making fraudulent claims, it’s out there.
You should also check their experience in the field. Are they new? How long have they been talking about this? Do they have proactive relationships with others within the same niche? These are all important questions to ask.
If you’re thinking about signing up for one of their courses always ask about the course, how to make money from this skill after learning, what opportunities exist for that skill in the future, and how they explain things practically.
People will always be in need of guidance, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Problems arise when others seek to take advantage of the ignorance of those willing to learn. So be careful out there and follow people who have your best interest at heart. If you want to know more we do recommend checking out a fake guru documentary on YouTube since they might be able to give you a more detailed insight into people you’re suspicious about.