Bangladesh is not lagging behind in the competition to advance with modern science and technology. By connecting the information technology highway with the famous submarine cable, Bangladesh has been included with all the advanced technologies of the modern world. As a result of the unforgettable revolution of modern information technology, the map of the world has become one. Geographical boundaries seem to be disappearing at the moment in the footsteps of high-speed internet. As a result of this advanced communication technology, the world’s database seems to be tied together. And so keeping pace with the developed world, Bangladesh is also moving towards a bright future based on modern information technology.
What is information technology:
Information technology means the collection of information and its use. It is also called Information Technology or IT. Information technology is basically the name of integrated technology. Modern information technology is an advanced communication system developed by combining various technologies including telecommunication, video, audio, computing, broadcasting. In a word, modern information technology is the most advanced and fastest micro-electronic system for collecting, storing, and serving all the information through a computer, internet, and telecommunication system.
Information Technology and Bangladesh:
In this era of globalization of the 21st century, the use of information and technology is ubiquitous. Its use has also spread widely in Bangladesh, without the use of technology our world would be lost. And so keeping pace with the modern world, Bangladesh is also gradually advancing in the use of modern information technology. To this end, the concerned institutions and departments are working relentlessly for the development of technology. Besides, the government has taken various steps to make the people of this country proficient in information and technology. In continuation of this, Bangladesh has recently joined the information technology highway with the famous submarine cable link. Modern information service centers have been set up in the Upazilas of the country. All the high-tech devices and high-speed internet services have been provided in the district cities of the country including the capital. Charge-free internet service, known as “Wi-Fi” has been introduced in many universities of the country for the convenience of the students. Many primary schools in the country have been connected to take classes through the use of computers and multimedia. As a result, along with the use of technology, advanced knowledge is spreading across the country. The boundless welfare of technology has brought about a huge change in our life journey. Due to the convenience of the internet, many complex tasks are being done at home now. Revolutionary changes have also taken place in the field of economic transactions. And all this has been possible with the help of modern information technology.
Fiber Optic Cable Bangladesh:
The emergence of fiber optic cable has made the exchange of information more dynamic. As a result, unimaginable success has come in information technology management. In this technology, a large number of telephone calls, television signals, and huge data resources can be carried simultaneously through full internal refraction through a transparent wire made of fine filament carrying light rays. Intercontinental fiber optic cable has been laid under the seafloor as a means of exchanging information. Recently, Bangladesh has completed all the preparations for the installation of fiber optic cable and has been connected to the information highway.
E-Parliament and Modern Bangladesh:
Parliament with e-Parliament or electronic facilities can play a unique role in building a modern Bangladesh. E-Parliament can provide better services to the people. Information technology can be a tool to ensure greater transparency and accountability for the country’s parliament. And parliament can be the center of exchange and discussion. A foreign organization recently conducted a survey of 90 countries around the world and found that 8 countries have been able to provide better services to people through the use of information technology. Their research shows that there is a big difference between developed and developing countries in the use of information technology, which can be called digital devices. The use of information technology has opened the door to endless possibilities for democracy. Bangladesh will also use e-Parliament as a platform to stand tall in the court of the world.